Hi All, Want a Great Winter Night Watch.

I have been working in kitchens for over 35 years and have seen just about everything happen that can happen from lightning taking out all the electric in a portable kitchen while we were preparing a meal for over 1000 on Boston Common during Marathon week, to everyone walking out on strike with 50 dinners to serve.  I have enjoyed it all but I have seen a movie that all who work in kitchens or in food service should see.  I have attached a trailer for the movie Ratatouille, this is a great movie.   I loved the Executive chef, I have worked for chefs like this guy and they are all the same.   The characters in the kitchen match the stereotypical kitchen hands around the world.  It is a great laugh and watch the techniques, they are very good.  Someone who knew their way around the culinary side of a kitchen must have been involved in this one.   Please get a copy and watch it with a good glass of wine and some cheese and crackers, watch your food because the rat is very realistic and fast.

Chef Frank