I am Back

I’m Back

Hi World

Back again after a long vacation from writing. A lot has happened since my last entries.

  1. The company I worked for was sold to a monster sized company

  2. I was transferred to another division giving up my long tenure with BKI

  3. I am now working on training with very little cooking involved

  4. I am restarting my cook book writing with a new book with over 400 recipes and great photos to be ready by next year this time

  5. Always looking for a new challenge in the food world

In the near future I will be entering a group of Eritrean foods as we have become involved with assisting a refugee family from Eritrea feeling at home in the USA . Great foods with unique spices and herbs!

I will be posting some new recipes for you to try and comment on in search for the best flavors and textures in food. Your assistance will be appreciated and your comments treasure .

Food is a trip and I am enjoying the ride. More to come.

Let me know you are out there drop a note, ask a question, Foodies communicate. The unique thing I will answer you!!!!!!

See you soon with food, fun, and commentary

Chef Frank

Next Events:

International Pizza Expo Los Vegas March 30-31 Come visit, have a slice and share

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